There are so many people that may have
Neurofibromatosis and not even know it. This blog entry is to show you what to look for. Every NF patient is different and will have different symptoms and marks. This information is based on what we have learned from our family's particular symptoms and spots. Cafe-
lait spots seem to be "birth marks" at first. However if you have more than 5 marks over the size of
apox. 1\2 inch in size, you could have NF. Freckling of the arm-pit is
extremely common in NF. Freckles are usually brought out by the sun. Freckles in places that the sun doesn't usually hit, like between legs and arm-pits could be a sign of NF.
Fibromas are little bumps on skin that are raised. Sometimes there are little hairs coming out of them.
Fibromas are
sometimes filled with histamine, which may cause itching. Hair growing on the lower back is common as well. I am hoping this information helps our extended family members to be aware of signs of
Friends and followers should be aware of signs as well. NF is more common than you think. Someone in your life is fighting NF, whether they know it or not.