Cure NF for Kaitlyn!

Cure NF for Kaitlyn!
Help Kaitlyn fight Neurofibromatosis

Thursday, May 27, 2021

High School Graduation

Kaitlyn got her occupational diploma! We are so proud of her! She will go back to the high school for a couple more years to continue working on skills to get her dream job as a teacher's assistant for the SPED department of the local middle school.  

Macky & Friends at Hope Church Movie Night

We love being part of Macky &Friends! They offer such wonderful creative events for Kaitlyn and her friends.  We are so blessed!
Toy Story drive in movie.

MidSouth VW Club

We are so blessed and grateful for the MidSouth VW Club.  They have gone over and above to include Kaitlyn and Katy's Bug in events, meetings and cruises. 
Bug-a-Palüza in Chattanooga, TN
Monthly meetings and cruising. 
Collierville Cruise Night 
Halls Airbase in Halls, TN

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

2021 Joy Prom drive through Prom

901Joy Prom went over and above thinking outside the box to make Kaitlyn and her friends feel extra special since covid canceled Prom for 2nd year.  

2021 Tim Tebow Night to Shine Prom

The Tim Tebow Foundation and Union Avenue Baptist Church did a wonderful job giving Kaitlyn and her friends a great night to remember.  Although covid limited what could be done.... the drive by prom was very fun for everyone.  Kaitlyn and family volunteered to decorate Katy's Bug and cheer for all the guests as they drive by.