Cure NF for Kaitlyn!

Cure NF for Kaitlyn!
Help Kaitlyn fight Neurofibromatosis

Monday, November 8, 2021

St. Patrick's Church Special Friends Bowling night

St. Patrick's Church goes over and above with fabulous events for Special Friends!

Memphis Cheer Shooting Stars competition

it's always such a joy to watch those big smiles and positive energy on stage! We are Memphis Cheer!

Halloween 2021

Special Friends Trunk or Treat with St. Patrick's Church. So blessed to be able to make these memories. 
Handing out candy Halloween night with life long friends!
City if Germantown Special Community Trunk or Treat night! 

Monday, September 27, 2021

St. Patrick's Church Field of Friends baseball is back!

So happy to be back in the swing of normal life again.  The smiles are priceless!

Fallen Aviator Car Show in Jackson, TN

We love our Volkswagen Family! The MidSouth VW Club is full of such fabulous people!
This was a great venue full of history. One of the best things about car shows is that they are always for wonderful causes.  

St. Ann's Special Athletes Day

Although very wet this year,, it's always a fun event! Thank you St. Ann's and everyone involved with this event. 
The athletes treasure their metals and ribbons!
The soccer category is always the favorite!
Kirsten came in town to join us this year!

Millington, TN. Goat Days Car Show

Imagine Kaitlyn's excitement when they announced Katy's Bug won the award "In memory of Tommy and Pat Warren". The family chose Kaitlyn and Katy's Bug! What a fabulous surprise! Thank you Warren family!

Sparkle Cheer Season!

Our world is finally starting to feel normal again. I love seeing the smiles and spirit back! Go Mustangs!

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Eureka Springs VW Show 2021

WOW! What a fabulous adventure! Once again we had a great time showing off Katy's Bug with the MidSouth VW Club in Eureka Springs, AR. Great festivities, friends and fun!
This is why we enjoy the MidSouth VW Club so much...we had a 10 car caravan on the way home. 7 pulling trailers and 3 individual vehicles. We can sure fill a gas station. Lol. One towards the back of the line had a blow out on his trailer. Everyone pulls over(even if they had to turn around). This was an empty parking lot when we all formed a pit crew to switch out the tire. THE LOVE OF THE BUG CLUB! Or as Kaitlyn puts it.... NO BUG LEFT BEHIND! Almost home and another one overheats. Members of the crew quickly got him back on the road. I just can't say enough about this amazing club.... friends!
Kaitlyn is so proud of her BUG!
Katy's Bug showing off at the Swing Bridge during our club picnic.

Friday, July 23, 2021

The incredible ACUPUNCTURE experience!

Kaitlyn has been fighting the pain caused by neurofibromatosis for several years now. She goes to a pain clinic, uses essential oils, CBD oils and creams, BioDensity sessions, splints and braces, ice and heat....nothing helps the pain completely subside. Which really limits what she is able to do physically and mentally. Until now...she has discovered acupuncture! I hoped and prayed that it would help ease her pain. The transformation of her attitude, daily outlook, energy and overall pain is simply remarkable! She just glows after each session! We can't thank Wennie enough for her patience and gift of healing. She has truly blessed our lives! 

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Skills For Life Memphis Riverboat Dinner Cruise

Thank you Skills for Life for putting together then fun outing. Such a unique adventure! Kaitlyn and friends made treasured memories.  

Bluff City Balloon Jamboree Special Needs family night

The Rotery Club put together an incredible evening for Special Needs families! Everyone had a fabulous time making wonderful memories. 

Blue Suede Shoes Car Show in Jackson, Tennessee

Kaitlyn and Katy's Bug won their first trophy! They won 2nd place in the Import Category.  

Thursday, May 27, 2021

High School Graduation

Kaitlyn got her occupational diploma! We are so proud of her! She will go back to the high school for a couple more years to continue working on skills to get her dream job as a teacher's assistant for the SPED department of the local middle school.  

Macky & Friends at Hope Church Movie Night

We love being part of Macky &Friends! They offer such wonderful creative events for Kaitlyn and her friends.  We are so blessed!
Toy Story drive in movie.

MidSouth VW Club

We are so blessed and grateful for the MidSouth VW Club.  They have gone over and above to include Kaitlyn and Katy's Bug in events, meetings and cruises. 
Bug-a-Palüza in Chattanooga, TN
Monthly meetings and cruising. 
Collierville Cruise Night 
Halls Airbase in Halls, TN

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

2021 Joy Prom drive through Prom

901Joy Prom went over and above thinking outside the box to make Kaitlyn and her friends feel extra special since covid canceled Prom for 2nd year.